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What is the Law of attraction? Does The law of attraction really work?


What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is the theory that our thoughts and emotions affect our surrounding life and that we can attract into our lives the things, people or experiences we focus on. It is the belief that positive or negative thoughts attract similar positive or negative things and there is a force like gravitation pulling us forward, towards our goals. It's the idea that all you need to do to manifest anything you want is to believe it will happen, and it will.

The Law of Attraction is an invisible force that works everywhere and attracts everything that you want into your life. It's based on three simple principles: the external world is not under your control, the internal world however, is. By changing the way you think and feel about something, you change how you attract more of it into your life. It is a basic principle of the universe that focuses on your personal patterns surrounding attraction, health, relationships and personal truth. The law of attraction is always in motion, manifesting the vibrations that are there throughout the Universe.

Does The law of attraction really work?

The answer to that is... yes! The Law of attraction really works. But it’s not easy and you have to be willing to put some work in so let’s talk about the “how”, the “what” and the “why”.   Well, let’s put it this way:  First, your thoughts, beliefs and emotions do attract things into your life.  So if you don’t like what is happening in your life right now, change your thoughts about it. Think about what you’d rather have. Focus on those things and put a deadline on them.  Then, by the Law of Attraction, those thoughts will be drawn to you or manifested in other ways.