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What are Chakras?

 Everything is created of Energy. From the tiniest thing like a simple atom to the biggest thing like a Galaxy. There are different names in different cultures for energy such as: "qichiprana or life force energy and so on".
We all have two types of the body the physical and the non-physical (energy) body. The physical body consists of bones, muscles, organs, and so on. The non-physical (energy) is mankind's energy area that exists outside of the physical body. The non -physical has lots of associating layers and these layers of the human non-physical body are known as AuraAura has a connection with the physical body as same as Chakras (energy centres).

Definition and Description of Chakra

The meaning of the word "Chakra " is "Wheel". The energy flows through your body like the water flows through a creek. A simple example is that our Chakras are like pools that spiral energies in our bodies. If there are no blockages the creeks would flow clear and pure,. however, life is messy and things tend to fail in the creeks.  when the creeks are blocked the water can not flow, the same as chakras when there is no blockages the energy can flows through our body.
All creatures that live have Chakras such as humans, animals, and plants. Our body has many Chakras which include seven major Chakras and many minor Chakras. Each pool of energy (Chakra) has a purpose and can be blocked by a specific kind of emotional muck. bear in mind, opening chakras is an intense experience and once you start this process, you can not stop until all seven chakras are open .whenever we connect to the energy inside of our Chakras we completely interact with ourselves and moreover realize how to heal ourselves in all stages. That's the reason meditation and other spiritual practices assist us to interact the mind with our physical and spiritual bodies.

The History of Chakras 

Approximately, one thousand and five hundred BCE,  for the first time Chakra, was introduced and appeared in the Vedas Hindu texts as chakras. Different cultures such as Hindus, Greek, Egyptians, Zoroastrians, Maya, and so on have been aware of the Chakras (energy Centers). In these cultures, they were healing people's lives as well as curing diseases and mental and emotional issues.