Every day when we get up we start to think of what we do not have. We normally look at others such as Friends, family, or on social media, we look at celebrities or Instagramers what they have and start comparing ourselves or our lives with them and start being jealous or regretting and saying why we do not have the money or the same life quality they have. Some people when they pray they cry and force God, the universe, or Divine energy whatever you call to give them what they want and they do not get the result they want. The reason we do not get what we want is because of feeling a lack and being unhappy and unsatisfied which leads us to stay in a low vibration state and when we are in a low vibration state we can not attract or manifest into our lives no matters how we try hard it will not happen.
Have you ever looked at what you have ? Have you ever appreciated what you have ? Some people wish to have what already you have. when you seat back and count what you have you will be shocked. Sometimes or almost always we forget about them. when we do not appreciate what we already have and complain for what we do not have, God or the universe or the divine energy will say everything he gives you you are not happy and unsatisfied without any appreciations so if he gives you more and more you will still unhappy and unsatisfied. you may even lose what you have.