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What are Zener cards? What are they used for ?

 There are many tools out there for developing extrasensory perception but Zener cards are the ones easy to work with and they are available online and also you can find them in Book stores. Zener Cards is a set of 25 cards which designed by Karl Zener (perceptual Psychologist) in1930 to conduct experiment for extrasensory perception (ESP).

for purchasing your own set of Zenner cards Please  Click Here.

How to use the Zener Cards

The standard Zener cards is made up 25 card, five of them have star sign, five have circle, five have plus sign, five have square sign and five with 3 waves. You can practise with decks individually and also with friends as one person will examine and the other person will be the examinee. Both person should sit facing each other. The person who is the examiner should shuffle the cards first and then the examiner must hold whole deck in front of himself so examinee will not be able to see the shapes. The examiner should show cards one by one to examinee and the examinee should tell the name of the shapes without seeing the cards shapes. After each round the examiner should write down and record the number of cards were guessed correctly by examinee.  Don't be disappointed if you can not tell or guess all cards in the first place. For developing and achieving better result, it is required more practice and time. Also, it is better to calm and relax your mind by deep breathing and listening to calm music before this examination it helps you to concentrate better.