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What is Self - realization ? Why is it crucial?

You have definitely heard of Self- realization on social media or internet from Spiritual Teachers or influencers. So what is self- Realization?  Self-realization is the ability to understand who you are and what is important in your life. Since we were in our mothers womb we had been colleting information from environment and after that we have been programming by parents, friends, societies and media which has created a mask or personality (persona) and display someone which truly we are not .We all want to know who we really are, and that is the aim of self-realization. Self-realization comes from pure introspection and being aware of yourself on a deeper level.

What is self-realization?

Self-Realization is  about understanding we are not physical body  and we are not the mind we are the energy, we are the light, we are a spiritual being having human experience and our physical body is like clothes we are wearing and one day it will be destroyed but the real us which is energy will be remained forever. It is also important to understand that we are a part of god, we are one with god and all existence and we are connected.

Why is self-realization crucial?

Self-realization is important because, as humans, we want to feel like we are growing, learning and contributing. By making time for self-improvement and self-reflection, you gain a better understanding of what's important to you as a person and what your values mean in the context of your life.