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What is Astral Traveling?

Astral traveling is the process of leaving your physical body and exploring other dimensions, dimensions that are not accessible to us here on Earth. It's like a dreamstate where you can travel around the universe and meet people who are like you in today's world, but also meet people who are from different times or places altogether. You can use astral traveling to explore other dimensions, experience past lives, visit friends and family members who have passed away, or just have fun!

Why Would Someone Want To Astral Travel?

There are many reasons why someone would want to astral travel. For example, if you have ever had a dream that seemed so real that it felt like it happened right before your eyes, then this may be an indication that you have already astral traveled at some point in your life. This is because dreams are nothing more than our unconscious minds trying to express themselves through us while we sleep--and sometimes they do very well at it!

Another reason why someone would want to astral travel is because they want to explore something new or learn more about themselves through meditation or relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation. By doing so, they can gain more insight into their own mindsets and better understand why certain things happen in their lives (or don't).

Benefits of Astral Traveling: [e.g. meet your spirit guide, explore other dimensions]

How to Astral Travel: [e.g. meditate, relax your body]

Examples of what you can do while Astral Traveling: [e.g., visit friends and family members who have passed away or explore new places]