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How to enhance your channelling abilities


Developing channelling skills requires practice, patience, and an openness to accessing higher realms of consciousness. Here are some steps you can take to enhance your channelling abilities:

  • Set your intention: Clearly define your intention for channelling. Determine what kind of guidance or information you are seeking and why you want to develop your channeling skills.

  • Create a conducive environment: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax and focus. Eliminate distractions and cultivate a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

  • Grounding and centering: Begin your practice by grounding yourself. This involves connecting with the Earth's energy and grounding your own energy. Focus on your breath, visualize roots extending from your body into the Earth, and feel yourself rooted and connected.

  • Meditation and relaxation: Enter a state of meditation or deep relaxation. Find a technique that works for you, such as focusing on your breath, visualizing calming images, or using guided meditation recordings. This helps quiet the mind and open yourself to receiving higher guidance.

  • Establish energetic protection: Before channeling, set the intention to only connect with energies of the highest vibration and purest intention. Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective shield of white light or invoke the assistance of spiritual guides or angels for protection and guidance.

  • Connect with your guides: Call upon your spiritual guides or higher-self to help facilitate the channeling process. Set the intention to connect with guides of the highest wisdom and integrity who have your highest good in mind.

  • Practice automatic writing or speaking: Start by allowing your thoughts and words to flow freely without judgment. You can use automatic writing (writing without consciously thinking) or speak aloud in a non-judgmental manner. Don't censor or analyze the information that comes through. Just let it flow.

  • Trust and surrender: Trust your intuition and the information that comes through. Avoid doubting or second-guessing yourself. Remember that channelling is an intuitive process, and the more you trust and surrender, the easier it becomes to receive guidance.

  • Reflect and integrate: After a channelling session, take time to reflect on the information received. Assess the accuracy and relevance of the guidance you received. Take what feels resonant and integrate it into your life as you see fit.

Remember, developing channelling skills takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and remain open to the messages you receive. If you feel uncertain or overwhelmed, consider seeking guidance or mentorship from experienced channellers who can offer valuable insights and support on your journey.