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what is the channelling technique ?


Channeling meditation is a practice where individuals establish a connection with non-physical entities or energies and allow their messages or energies to flow through them1. It can be considered a form of spiritual communication, where individuals act as a channel or conduit for spiritual guidance or wisdom.

There are various techniques and approaches to channelling meditation. Some practitioners may engage in trance channelling, where they enter a state of hypnotic semi-consciousness to connect with the non-physical realms. Others may choose conscious channelling, which involves being fully aware and engaged while channelling energies, beings, guides, or frequencies. Channelling can also be done through creative activities such as writing, dancing, or making art, where individuals tap into their intuitive and creative abilities to channel spiritual messages.

It's important to note that channelling meditation techniques may not have scientific backing and are often associated with spiritual or metaphysical practices. It's a personal and subjective experience that may vary among individuals.
If you're interested in exploring channelling meditation further, it may be beneficial to seek guidance from experienced practitioners, attend workshops or classes that focus on channelling techniques, and approach it with an open mind and a willingness to connect with higher realms of consciousness.